National Board for
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapists

Welcome to NBCCH
34 Years of Hypnotherapist Certification
The National Board for Certified Clinical Hypnotherapists was organized in 1991 as a national and international certifying body dedicated to promoting professional standards in the mental and physical health specialty of hypnotherapy. NBCCH continues its commitment to the diversity of its certificants, to supporting best practices, and to providing information and options to the public. Above all, NBCCH aims to promote the diverse talents and skills of its certificants. Our body of vetted trainers and our certification services continues to expand.
New: Market your practice.

New to NBCCH or returning from Natboard days? Please select the Certify tab.
Looking for a special practitioner? Bilingual, accepts children, provides supervision, provides training or accepts insurance? We're working on targeted listings for those. Meanwhile, select the Find A Therapist tab.
Looking for a workshop? Scroll down here to our Training Opportunities Bulletin.
Looking for a list of NBCCH approved trainers, or need a supervisor? Choose the Training tab.
We resurrected the NBCCH NEWSLETTER ("The Suggestion Box") by popular demand. You can contribute or reach the editor at Newsletter@NBCCH.com.
Now you can add the power of your social media videos or link to your blog.
Training Opportunities Bulletin
The Wellness Institute is offering a 6-Day Online Hypnotherapy Training.
This organization provides CEs.
The course is approved for NBCCH Certification.
The upcoming course is held on March 20-25, or May 1-6.
Visit The Wellness Institute to learn more and register.
Elizabeth Michas and MindWworks is offering a 13 week Online Hypnotherapy Training.
The course is approved for NBCCH Certification.
The upcoming course is held beginning January 20 - April 14 from 5-7pm CST.
The course is held online with live practice during each lesson.
Visit MindWorks to learn more and register or call 850-862-3141
Randall Churchill and The Hypnotherapy Training Institute is offering Clinical Hypnotherapy.
The course is approved for NBCCH Certification and for ACHE (American Council of Hypnotist Examiners).
Classes begin March 1.
Visit HTI or call 707-579-9023
The NLP Center of New York offers brief training in Ericksonian Hypnosis and NLP
and is NOT approved for NBCCH Certification
The course meets online for 4 Wednesdays February 12 and 26.
Book Now or call 212-203-5076
The Professional Hypnotherapy Indonesia (PHI) offers a 200 hour course in Clinical Hypnosis.
and is approved for NBCCH Certification.
The course meets for 9 consecutive weekends (Friday, Saturday, Sunday).
One is online beginning April 5, 2025.
Another is in-person held beginning March 22 or May 23.
Call +62-896-1361-2972. Email pusatphi01@gmail.com. Visit Phiku.com
The Hypnotherapy Academy of America offers a 500 hour course in Clinical Hypnosis.
and is approved for NBCCH Certification and for ACHE (American Council of Hypnotist Examiners) and IBH (International Board of Hypnotherapy) Certification.
The course meets online three times a year and is taught in 2 week modules.
Book Now or call 877-983-1515 or 505-767-8030
Therapist Training in Healing HypnosisTM by Camila Martinez is offered in Spanish.
and is approved for NBCCH Certification
The course is a combination of online and live virtual training.
HCH Institute is offering a 200 hour Hypnotherapy training, including Ericksonian, NLP, and transpersonal modalities, as well as Regression Hypnotherapy.
This organization provides CEUs.
The course is approved for NBCCH Certification.
The upcoming courses for 2025 are offered June through September, and October through January ('26). Classes are 9am-6pm Pacific Time.
Visit HCH to learn more and register or call 925-283-3941
The NLP Center of New York offers training in Ericksonian Hypnosis
and is approved for NBCCH Certification
The course meets online Thursdays June 5 - August 21 from 2 pm - 5 pm Eastern Time.
Book Now or call 212-203-5076
Courtney Armstrong and the Institute for Trauma Informed Hypnotherapy
Offers two 8 week courses for a total of 50 hours.
The course dates have not been posted, but the course is limited to 32 participants and has a waitlist.
These courses together qualify for NBCCH Certification.​
Learn more here or call 423-876-3490
Dr. Jon Connelly and the Institute for Rapid Resolution Therapy offers a 2 hour FREE demonstration.
Solutions! On Zoom, every Monday Night from 7 - 9 pm EST. No class April 15.
Afternoon Class Thursday July 29 and August 5 from 1 - 3 EST.
Attendance is free, but registration is required.
Visit The Institute for Rapid Resolution Therapy to register.
The Institute for Rapid Resolution Therapy offers Self-Paced Ethics & Malpractice Issues.
The course offers 3 CEUs.
The course is approved by NASW, APA, and other State organizations.
Visit The Institute for Rapid Resolution Therapy to learn more.
Or call 800-587-2623
Our founder, Ron Klein, began NBCCH 30+ years ago, and grew it into one of the premier certifying boards for hypnotherapists. For decades, Ron was known for training hypnotherapists in Ericksonian methods and NLP. In 2019, Lorrie Fisher came on board as Ron's Director of Membership. By the end of 2021 Ron had closed his institute and office due to failing health, and the legal transfer of NBCCH to Lorrie began. Perhaps due to Long COVID, Ron interrupted that transfer by posting a surprise announcement that NBCCH would terminate effective New Year's Eve 2021. With a new NBCCH website in hand, Lorrie relaunched NBCCH effective New Years Day 2022. Thanks to the loyalty and enthusiasm of our certificants, once again, NBCCH is thriving.
Lorrie Fisher is a PhD psychophysiologist licensed as a marriage and family therapist, and is board certified in biofeedback /neurofeedback. Her practice consists of remotely supervised at-home neurofeedback and biofeedback, as well as online brief trauma resolution. Her education includes architecture and medicine, with a bit of what's called bio-hacking on the side. To learn more visit FisherBehavior.com. Or call the contact number and say hello.