National Board for
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapists
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Mental Health Uncensored: 10 Foundations Every Parent Needs To Know Paperback – May 4, 2022
by Keri Cooper
Art in the Treatment of Addiction and Trauma. 2020.
by Patricia Quinn
Existential Hypnotherapy (part of The Guilford Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis Series) translated and published in Russia by Klass.
September 1993
by King M. and Citrenbaum C.
The Courage to Recover: A Reparenting Recipe for Adult Children of the Human Condition,
King B, Golden C, King M and Citrenbaum C.
Modern Clinical Hypnosis for Habit Control, translated and published in Italy by Astrolabio-Ubaldini and in Russia by Klass. This text has been cited as the “foremost book in the world on hypnosis for habit control.”
by Citrenbaum C, King M, and Cohen W.
Irresistible Communication: Creative Skills for Health Professionals
by King M, Novik L and Citrenbaum C.
MichaelBrown.org 25 Published Articles
by Michael Brown.
Hidden Treasures from Past Lives: Techniques for Discovery and Healing of Past Life Legacies
August, 2011
by Barbara Folts
If I'd Only Known... Sexual Abuse in or out of the Family: A Guide to Prevention
Nov 1, 2000
by Dorothy Neddermeyer