National Board for
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapists
The Where and Why of
Professional Insurance Coverage
American Professional Agency 800.421.6694
CPH & Associates (Therapists & Coaches)
cphins.com 312.987.9823
HPSO* (Therapists & Coaches)
HPSO.com 800.982.491
NSO Malpractice for Nurses
NSO.com 800.247.1500
Hiscox.com (Therapists & Coaches)
The Trust Insurance (for Psychologists)
Progressive Commercial (for Coaches)
CM&F Group (for Coaches)
(Canadian Small Businesses)
* HPSO has partnered with Liberty Mutual so you could qualify for special savings on customized Liberty Mutual auto insurance.
Why does NBCCH require malpractice Insurance for all members?
The short answer is because of lawyers.
The refined answer is to assure the general public that members maintain a level of professionalism.
Professional liability insurance, also called errors and omissions insurance (E&O insurance) or indemnity insurance, protects your business if you are sued for negligently performing your services, even if you haven’t made a mistake. A customer could sue you because you did something you shouldn’t have, or you didn’t do something you should have, in the course of providing professional services. A professional liability insurance policy could protect you by covering the cost to defend yourself, as well as any settlement or judgment.
Why Carry Cyber Security Insurance?
Cyber security insurance protects businesses against computer-related crimes and losses. This can include targeted attacks, such as malware and phishing, as well as the occasional misplaced laptop containing confidential material.
You may need cyber insurance if your business:
Accepts credit cards or other digital payment types
Uses computers and mobile devices
Keeps medical or financial data
Stores confidential customer information